Sankalok Sen

BEng(CompSc) @ HongKongU, 2023 |


Hi! My name is Sankalok (pronounced Shaun-ko-lock).

I am broadly interested in Natural Language Processing and Computational Biostatistics/Survival Analysis. Currently, I am a Research Engineer in the Theory Lab @ Huawei HKRC.

“For less than a second, our lives will collide;
The endless suspended, the door open wide.”
  - The Book of Longing, Leonard Cohen


Mar 31, 2024 Interesting things coming soon, stay tuned!


  1. Preprint
    Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models for Predictive Tabular Tasks in Data Science
    Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Sankalok Sen, and 2 more authors
  2. UG Thesis
    Analyzing Hong Kong’s Legal Judgments from a Computational Linguistics point-of-view
    Sankalok Sen
  3. ICUS 2021
    Exploring the Effects of Data Augmentation for Drivable Area Segmentation
    Srinjoy Bhuiya, Ayushman Kumar, and Sankalok Sen
    In SCRS Proceedings of International Conference of Undergraduate Students, 2022